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2023 KFNC Presidents Report


The 2023 season came with great expectations on continuing to progress towards the ultimate prize – a premiership. With several sides coming close in 2022, we knew that again we would be very competitive during the season and be there at finals time.

We had six netball and all football teams in the finals, with eight teams making the preliminary finals and two of the eight playing in the grand final. Whilst for many there was and still is disappointment and unfinished business, the journey to the pinnacle can be tough, but that is how it should be. If we learn from our experiences, and continue to strive to be the best, I know we will get there.

We again had great representation at the junior and senior league vote counts with Cooper Tetley runners up in the fourths, Lochie O’Brien runners up in the thirds, Leah McGrath runners up in C Reserve and Katie Towe runners up in C Grade. Jackson Harris, Viv Russon and Rhani Hendy were nominated as rising stars, and Xav Thorpe and Damian “Gypsy” Kennedy were awarded Junior Coach and Senior Coach of the year respectively.

As a club we also had great representation at a league level with Aimee and Sarah coaching the 17/under and 15/under netball league representative teams respectively and many of our players being selected in the 17/under, 15/under and 13/under teams. We also had several of our junior footballers selected for the league representative teams.

As a club, we were fortunate to participate in the Clubs with Heart program in which we had six people attend a series of online sessions that focussed on key areas such as building leaders, overcoming barriers, and creating the story. On the back of this, we embarked on developing our strategic plan. The plan will help set the direction for the club over the next few years, and the things that are important to creating a sustainable future for our club. A huge thanks to everyone who participated on our planning process through completing the survey, attending the workshop, and providing feedback on the plan as it was drafted.

We had a great range of social functions during the year which were well attended including our summer ball which was a huge hit, reverse draw, winter ball, 1983 reunion, family fun night, bogan bingo as well as our regular yearly events; Ladies Day, Grandparents Day, Life Members Day, Twos Day, and dinner at our sponsors. A huge thanks to our social committee, Sarah, Mitch, Dani, Grace, Jared and Xav for all their work in organising our social functions for the year.

A big thank you to all our coaches for the time, energy, and commitment throughout the year. Thank you for everything that you have done in the lead up to and during the season, we are truly blessed to have such a dedicated coaching group.

A special thank you to Damian “Gypsy” Kennedy for what you have done over the past five years as our senior football coach. Every coach aims to continually develop a team over time, and to leave it in a better position when it does come time to move on. Gypsy has done this with our club, and we have been so lucky to be the beneficiary of his experience and skills as not only a coach but as a person. I would like to wish Gypsy all the best and hope to see him around the club during the 2024 season.

To all the trainers, umpires, scorers, team managers and all our wonderful volunteers who assist the club in so many ways, thank you. Volunteers are what make community clubs so great, and without your continued support and commitment to the KFNC we would not be able to function.

We inducted one new life member this year, Sallianne John. The commitment and support you have provided to the club and continue to do is greatly appreciated. You and our other life members are what make our club what it is today, and for that we are truly grateful.

A special mention to our “Don Harrison” senior club persons of the year – our Trainers and our junior club persons of the year – Lily and Harrison Few and Emelia Weeks, thank you for all that you have done throughout the year.

To our sponsors thank you for your support. It is so important to our ongoing sustainability, and our vision to improve the club for all members and the local community. We look forward to partnering with you again in season 2024. Special thanks to Fred and those who assist with this important function, the effort and drive you display with sponsorship is appreciated.

To all our players, thank you for choosing to play at KFNC. I hope that what we have been able to achieve during the season, provides great motivation and drive to continue in our pursuit of a premiership. We look forward to having you back in 2024, and for those that may be moving away or retiring, we wish you all the best.

My thanks to everyone who organised and helped with the bar, canteen, and Thursday night meals. The amount of time and coordination required is greatly appreciated.

A big thank you to the committee for all your work and support during the season. We are so lucky to have such a diverse committee, who always trying to do what is best for the club and our community.

We are excited to have Nick Flanagan and Brad Crowther appointed as our seniors co-coaches for 2024, and with the club being in a great position having all our coaches appointed prior to the end of the year, we can take time to enjoy the remainder of 2023 and get set for a big 2024.

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